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Beware of Cheap DoorScope Imitations and Counterfeit Products

One of the biggest problems with manufacturing great products like the DoorScope door viewers is the potential for a third party to illegally manufacture counterfeit products and sell them online. To the unsuspecting customer, it appears they are getting an amazing deal on a great product. Unfortunately, build quality never parallels the OEM version, since the third party is only interested in maximizing profit. These counterfeiters not only hurt the consumer by providing them with an inferior product, but they weaken the brands that they steal from. At Safety-Devices.com, we only offer 100% authentic DS238 & DS175 brand Door Viewers. Here are some characteristics to note while making your next DoorScope purchase.

Characteristic Authentic DoorScope Product Cheap Imitation
Quality of Image Authentic DoorScope products offer a clear image from up to six feet away. Low quality distorted images that often appear blurry or dim.
Plastic Body for Larger Viewer DoorScope DS238 utilizes an all aluminum machined body. Low quality knock-offs will typically sell an all plastic body for the larger viewer. These are easy to break and dismantle.
Treated Optics DoorScope lenses are specially treated for rigidity and optical clarity. Dust, humidity and other debris easily penetrate the prism and result in a distorted image.
Fire Safety DoorScopes are fire rated for 20 minutes on the DS238, DS175, and DS175ELP N/A
DIY Installation DoorScope door viewers are preassembled for easy installation. Only a drill with a hole saw attachment is needed. Units are not preassembled. Assembly is not simple and often the parts do not fit together perfectly as they are manufactured in substandard factories. Most people give up before completing assembly.
Privacy DoorScope viewers distort the view from outside using an image dispersion system. The view from outside the door is distorted and blurred. Peeping through the viewer from the outside is possible - these units offer little protection to prevent an intruder from peeping through your door viewer.
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