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Introducing the DoorScope DoorViewers

Not too many people continued to use typewriters after the popularization of the personal computer, nor can we remember the last time we saw an 8-track tape outside of an antique shop. The simple reason for this is that when technology delivers a more practical solution to a problem or task, humans typically don't hesitate to adopt it. This phenomenon isn't just specific to the electronics industry either; technology is constantly evolving across every industry. New ideas and products can revolutionize the way we go about our daily lives in the blink of an eye. So why in the world would you continue to use an outdated door peephole that was invented nearly as long ago as the door itself?

Introducing the DS238, DS175 and DS175-ELP model door viewers by DoorScope. DoorScope door viewers allow crystal clear image viewing of whatever is on the other side of your door, whether it's the mail carrier, two large pizzas or an unwanted solicitor. What's even better is that they offer a much wider viewing angle than your standard peephole - all without the obnoxious fisheye lens that made it difficult to distinguish important details such as a stranger's facial features in a dimly lit hallway.

DoorScope has revolutionized the way we look at doors. More specifically, they have changed the way we look through them. Gone are the days of limited scope and fisheye lenses. DoorScope door viewers utilize state-of-the-art optics to provide a 132-degree wide-angle view of the outside world.

Say goodbye to the old days of pressing your face against the door to squint through that tiny peephole – DoorViewers by DoorScope provide a clear viewing image from 6 feet away! This is particularly useful if you have teenagers or small children who often forget to look through the peephole before opening the door. With these door viewers, your kids will have no choice but to see what's on the other side as they approach the door - the image is just that visible.

Another great feature of the DoorViewer models is the easy installation. Installation doesn't require a phone call to your handyman or general contractor, just a drill and about 20 minutes of your time. And since it requires no batteries or electricity to operate (many people think it must because of its clear image display), once you've installed it, it will last a long time with no additional maintenance.

We offer three models of door viewers by Door Scope here at Safety-Devices.com:

DoorScope DS175 Plastic Ultra Wide Angle Door Viewer
This is the standard DoorScope that revolutionized the conventional peephole industry. This DoorViewer offers distortion free viewing from up to 6 feet away.

  • advanced glass optics
  • DIY installation
  • view crystal clear images from up to 6 feet away
  • clear viewing of unexpected visitors or intruders
  • 1 3/4" viewing diameter

DoorScope DS175-ELP Plastic Ultra Wide Angle Door Viewer
The DS175-ELP Plastic Ultra Wide Angle door viewer is very similar to the DS175, but offers a more visually appealing electroplated chrome finish. It is available in chrome or brass.

  • glass optical lens
  • electroplated finish (chrome or brass)
  • view from up to 6 feet away from the door
  • 1 3/4" viewing diameter
  • simple DIY installation

DoorScope DS238 Metallic Ultra Wide Angle Door Viewer
The DS238 is bigger than the 175 models (2 and 3/8th inches compared to 1 and 3/4 inches), and boasts a solid aluminum construction (the others are high quality plastic). It makes a great addition to any door, but is designed more for commercial building security. It makes a great addition to any warehouse's shipping and receiving doors when supplemented with your current security protocols.

  • glass optical lenses
  • made of heavy duty aluminum
  • clear image viewing from up to 6 feet away from the door
  • 2 3/8" inch viewing diameter
  • simple DIY installation
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